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Welcome to TopClub as a member歡迎加入TopClub成為會員

TopClub is to let Parents can better understand the diverse development of children and inspire children's potential in different aspects.

Welcome to TopClub as a member

The aim of setting up the TopClub is to let Parents can better understand the diverse development of children and inspire children's potential in different aspects. Therefore, Parents and Top Creative Education Club need to play an important role in working together for children’s future growth and learning development. 


Parents can also share interests or other topics related to children's learning with other parents at TopClub, as well as to serve as a cultural exchange hub.


We look forward to serving every parent and making TopClub a cohesive community, and every Parent can become an active member of TopClub. 


Welcome to join us as a member and participate in all activities of the Hub. Members can also enjoy exclusive membership benefits and regular education and daily life information.


Register now, our annual fee is HK $ 100!


Please click here  to sign up!


成立TopClub的目的是讓家長們清楚了解孩子們的多元發展及啟發孩子們不同方面的潛能。因此,家長們與啟蒙教育大樓需扮演着重要角色,為孩子們將來的成長及學習發展共同努力 。



歡迎加入Top Club 成為會員及參加啟蒙教育大樓的各項活動。會員更可專享優惠及定期教育兒童及生活資料。



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